Overview on Cloud Backups

Cloud Sync Rules

  1. Never open the same project on more than one device at the same time. (even for yourself)

  2. Always allow Dropbox to finish uploading before shutting down your computer OR putting it to sleep. If not fully uploaded from your computer and you interrupt the process, then you may corrupt the project.

  3. If in the same physical location and sharing on two devices, then always verify your Dropbox folder is fully synced before opening your project on your other device.

  4. Dropbox is the only service designated as reliable by L&L to use for cloud syncing a PROJECT.

  5. Frequently backup your projects locally on your computer, in the cloud, and keep on an external backup option as well.

  6. Have the same cloud folder for backup for each of your devices. The number of allowable project backups should be the same for each device. This is because the device with the lowest number of backups sets the number for all other devices syncing with the cloud backup folder.

  7. The method outlined below to sync your Scrivener Project between devices is more complicated than direct syncing of projects via Dropbox, BUT it much safer. The only open projects are stored on the local device and updated from a cloud based zip backup.

  8. There are two ways to backup to the cloud:

1. As a live project folder containing all the files. Per the L & L site ONLY Dropbox syncs live folders reliably.

2. Compressed (zip copy) project folder backups can be reliably saved on most cloud services. You download and then extract the zip file on your computer to a new location. Open the Project folder and double click the *.scrivx file to open it, or right clicking the file and choosing scrivener as the program to open the file with.

3. Enable the setting in the options panel under backups to include the date in the backup file name. This makes it clearer at a glance which backup is the latest.

4. Always check the sync status when switching computers and allow enough time for the cloud folder to sync before extracting the zip backup to the new device’s project folder. Give enough time for the process to complete.

5. The safest method is to remove the "old" Scrivener Project folder you are updating and placing it on the desktop. Now extract the current zip backup of the same Project and have it extracted to the Scrivener Project Folder on your local device. The "old" Project Folder on the desktop can be retrieved if a problem occurs.

There are two ways to backup to the cloud:

1. As a live folder project containing all the files. Per the L & L site ONLY Dropbox syncs live folders reliably.

2. Compressed (zip copy) project folder backups can be reliably saved on most cloud services. You download and then extract the zip file on your computer to a new location. Open the Project folder and double click the *.scrivx file to open it, or right clicking the file and choosing scrivener as the program to open the file with.

Usable Cloud services include, iCloud, OneDrive, GoogleDrive among others.

For Cloud Services you want to enable the available as offline option in case have to use your computer where wifi access is spotty.

For Google Drive

Here is how to set this with Google Drive-

Click on the letter of the Google Drive (usually G), then see the My Drive Icon

This Google support Page shows how to use Google Drive Files offline. Only use zip backups with Google Drive.

For Microsoft OneDrive

If you have a OneDrive file or folder and need to make it available on your computer while offline, right-click on the file or folder and select 'Always keep on this device.

A Green checkmark showing the file is uploaded.

The file or folder will now display a dark green tick. (see above) These always available files download to your device and take up space, but they’re always there for you even when you’re offline.

This Microsoft Support Page explains how to keep One Drive files always on your computer. Only use zip backups.

For iCloud

Install the iCloud for PC from the Microsoft store (free download)

Sign in with your icloud password and ID

You will be asked to verify the request to install and enter a code and will get an email as well about this.

Will be given options as to what you want to add to the computer.

Go to the iCloud drive icon in your File Explorer

Right click on folder and at top of the list chose Always keep on device.

Here is a link to the apple guide for this-

If you turned on iCloud Drive using iCloud for Windows on a PC, you can pin a file or folder to keep it downloaded to your device. Any changes you make to the file will automatically upload to iCloud Drive when you're back online. Only use zip backups for Icloud.

For Dropbox-

You can right click on the Dropbox folder on your computer after you have installed the desktop app. Now you will see Dropbox options to Make files offlines or to Manage Hard Drive Space. If you click this you can view your Dropbox items as individual files or as folders (Use the folder view).

For Dropbox look here for the information on keeping your files stored with a copy on your own computer.

Note: Computer backup services like Carbonite, IDrive, etc can also back up scrivener files to the cloud. Make sure where you store your zipped backups are included in the folders/files saved by these type of services.

It is best to have ALL/ANY cloud backup service set to store files to be available offline. (IE available at all times on your computer) This will avoid many snyc issues with cloud services for your project. Currently, Dropbox is the most reliable service to sync projects between computers, but you should also ALWAYS keep your zipped backups in a different folder that is also on the cloud service as an additional backup option. You should also consider storing recent zipped backups on a USB key or external hard drive as an additional safety measure. A little extra time to use the File > Backup to function to offload a copy of your project is well worth it.

Updated 3/20/24.


Back Up Options


How to Transfer Scrivener to another computer