Clearing custom metadata fields

Clearing Custom Metadata Fields

The methods are different depending on the type of Metadata

Custom Metadata may come in the form of:


Check Box Items

Text Fields

Date Entries

To Clear the Data

1. Lists-For Custom Metadata displayed in Lists

The title of the List is List Items when editing in Project Settings and the Title of the list in the Inspector under Metadata. Clicking on the List title clears any current values from the metadata field leaving no searchable values and only the List title remaining which functions a none (or unsearchable entry) value.

Clicking on the List title (Location) lists the location value as none and thus not searchable.

2. Check Boxes- For Custom Metadata in check box form simply click the check box to mark and then click again to unmark an item.

3. Text Fields- For Custom Metadata that is in a text field simply click inside the text box to edit or delete the text entry

4. Dates- For type of Custom Metadata if you right click on the date value (within the metadata panel of the inspector) then you have the choice to change the date with the Edit function or Clear the date and the value will disappear from the appropriate outliner column as listed below and will now not be searchable.

See the options after Right Clicking the Date of Edit or Clear

Current date entry is shown.

Click in the metadata panel of the Inspector for any file with a Date value. Now right click on the date (9/22/22) and choose the clear option. Now the custom metadata value field is empty as shown below and unsearchable.

Now the previous date associated with the file has been cleared.


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