The 3 Scrivener Search Colors

The 3 Search Colors include:

Project Search Highlight Color

Find Results Highlight Color

Find Results Alternate Highlight Color

These colors can be changed in the File>Option Panel Appearance Tab under Textual Marks (see below) The Find highlight color and Project Search highlighting color are intentionally different by default. Feel free to change them in the Appearance: Textual Marks: Colors options tab.

Picture modified to display all 3 colors.

Scrivener Edit Dropdown Menu

Active Find Color - (Or the Find Results Alternate Highlight Color) is of course a third color. This will briefly overlay all other colors in the text, so it will hide any passive highlights. The purpose of using Find is to select a word/words to locate or edit. The flashing of the alternate color easily attracts your attention so that you can go straight to your search result after the flashing goes away.

Note: the (passive) Find Results Highlight Color will remain once the flashing of the Active color ends.


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