Snapshots Overview part one


Snapshots allow you to make a copy of the text and compare changes in the file over time and decide whether you want to keep the current version of the text or revert to an earlier version. When writing stories, this allows for alternate versions or visions of a scene and you can keep all of these versions to compare.

Snapshot Facts

  • The snapshot is the image of the current document at a point in time in the past.

  • A snapshot will not match the current file. To make sure the Snapshot represents the most current version of the document, then consider doing manual saves when doing extensive editing and enabling these two settings in the options panel to backup the latest versions of any documents you have changed as snapshots. (see below)

  • This setting (see #2 above)ensures when you do a Manual Save (File > Save (Ctrl + S)) that any documents which were changed during this writing session will have a untitled snapshot created to backup up these changes. By definition, a snapshot will include the date and time.

  • Snapshots can be thought of as an extra backup for your project at the file level.

  • These are only available for items containing editable text. (A blank document or one with just pictures will not receive a snapshot backup.)

  • Snapshots can monitor changes in a scene (file/folder) and allow comparisons. These can be untitled with a date and time or can be given titles.

  • Snapshots monitors for changes in the words in the document NOT changes in FORMATTING.

  • You can create untitled snapshots or Titled ones using Toolbar icons.

  • Existing snapshots are all managed in the inspector pane on a per document basis. Or by using the Menu command Documents > Snapshots can do the same operations.

  • To jump to snapshots, click the camera icon in the inspector. If the icon has a * next to it that means the document has one or more snapshots available to review.

  • The + or - sign will add or remove snapshots at right of header bar.

  • Rename a snapshot by double clicking the name.

  • The Snapshot background color is defined by the color of the Editor background in options, and cannot be changed directly.

  • Snapshots that are viewed either in a Copyholder view, inactive Editor window, or in the Inspector Snapshot pane below the highlighted Snapshot CANNOT be edited and are only useful for comparison.

  • Snapshots are for individual document backups and not whole project backups.

  • If you want more information on why you took a snapshot, then inserting an Inline Annotation allows you to add as much information as you want. This will appear at the top of the snapshot when viewed. Inline Annotations can easily be removed at the time you compile your project. Insert>Inline Annotation at point were want it and again when you want to stop. This can explain the Snapshot’s purpose and can be dictated with dragon software as well. The advantage is that there is no limit to the size of this. However, this information will not be visible in the snapshot title.

  • Snapshots do not appear in the Editor’s history function.

  • The default Scrivener icons will display that a document has a Snapshot associated with it by having a small fold of the document in the right upper corner (a dog ear)

Four Methods to take a Snapshot.

1. Take by the Menu command

Documents > Snapshot (or Snapshot with Title)

2. Clicking the Toolbar Icons (if added)

The T indicates this icon is for a Snapshot with a title.

3. From inside the Inspector Snapshot pane

Clicking the + sign will take an untitled snapshot and choosing a snapshot and clicking the - sign will delete the snapshot after a warning panel appears.

4. Keyboard Shortcuts

For an Untitled Snapshot use the Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+5.

For a Snapshot with a title use the Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+5.

Three Methods to remove a Snapshot

First Highlight the snapshot(s) you want to remove. Then:

1.) Click the − button in the Inspector header bar

2.) Use the Ctrl + Del keyboard shortcut.

3.) Use the Snapshot Manager. Menu command Document >Snapshots > Snapshot Manager

You will see this message before you can delete one or several Snapshots.

If you need to clean up large numbers of Snapshots, then use the Snapshot Manager.

Deleting Multiple Snapshots at once.

You can select multiple snapshots at once and delete them by using the - button in the Inspector snapshot header or the delete key.

Taking Snapshots of MULTIPLE documents at ONCE-

If you hold the CTRL key + click multiple files or choose multiple files another way such as with the shift key or the Ctrl + A command, you can then take snapshots of ALL the selected files at once by:

1. Hitting the toolbar snapshot icon (if added to the toolbar)

2. Using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + 5 (untitled snapshots) or Ctrl + Shift + 5 (titled snapshots)

3. The Menu command - Documents > Snapshots > Take Snapshot/Titled Snapshots.

4. Or another Menu command - Edit > Select > Select with subdocuments. (This command allows you to snapshot a folder(s) and their subdocuments all at once.) Note: Must unclick the Manuscript Folder itself due to an error in the program code.

Situations where Snapshots are or can be automatically created.

There are a few conditions, mostly optional, where snapshots can be automatically created for you. These snapshots will be named logically, to indicate their purpose. This kind of consistent naming scheme also makes it easier search for and clean them up later, using the snapshots manager.

When Synchronizing-

Synchronized folders are set by default to take snapshots of any documents that are changed (either on the disk or in Scrivener). When this sort of action is taken, the snapshot will be titled appropriately with a descriptive parenthetical regarding why the snapshot was taken.

Syncing with iOS does not take snapshots by default, but they can be enabled by checking Take snapshots of Updated documents. (See in Sharing > Sync below)

During Manual Saves-

Automatic Snapshots on Manual Save: You can check the box- Take snapshots of changed text documents on (a) manual save. This is found in General Settings under Save., in the General: Saving Option tab This occurs when you use the Menu command File > Save (Ctrl + S) if the box below is checked.


Snapshots Overview part two


Using Bookmarks to tie projects Together.