Snapshots Overview part two

Both The Inspector’s Snapshot Pane/The Snapshot Manager allow you to Compare and Roll Back Snapshots.


(This toolbar looks and functions the same in the Inspector or the Snapshot Manager.)

TWO TYPES of Comparisons-

A. First compare between the current document and a previous snapshot (version). Click a single previous snapshot and click compare. This will display the changes from the previous document and the current one. (Blue additions and red strikethrus for text that was removed.) You can use the Quick Search bar to locate the exact point in the current document you are looking at in the Snapshot comparison in the Inspector window by typing a few words in the Quick Search bar window and clicking enter to take you to that spot in the document.

B. Second compare between two snapshots- [Here you are ignoring the current text]. Click and hold the Ctrl key to choose two snapshots to compare.

Snapshot comparison mode shows additions in blue(underlined) and deletions in red (with strikethru)

Snapshot comparisons do not mark formatting changes, only text changes between two different snapshots.

1.) When using the compare function, you will now see < and> signs to navigate between the changes in these documents without having to scroll and search for the next change manually.

— The Compare button will turn into an Original button; clicking that button will turn off the comparison mode (it will also be disabled if you click on another snapshot, or navigate to another binder item).

— A Copy and paste from the snapshot viewing area will include any markings in the text that is copied. If you so desire, this is a way of preserving these markings as persistent text.

Clicking the … menu shows various dropdown options, to choose your desired level of comparison. Sometimes Snapshot markings can be confusing when done at the word level and may be best understood at the clause (sentence) or paragraph level.

By Paragraph- Any changes made within a paragraph will trigger the entire paragraph being viewed as having been modified.

By Clause- Any changes made within a clause (as in a sentence) will mark the entire clause as having been modified.

By Word- Individual words will be marked, producing the most precise (and thus “noisy”) results. In many cases the analysis will be easier to evaluate at the clause/sentence, or paragraph level.

Roll back-

Roll back (I Strongly suggest you take a titled Snapshot of your current file before clicking rollback.)

Both the Inspector’s and Snapshot manager have identical toolbars for the Compare and the Roll Back functions, but in different locations.

A. This operation allows you to Copy and paste a previous Snapshot’s contents into editor (rolling back to a previous version of the document.)

To Roll back- you must first select a document to compare by word, clause, or paragraph before deciding to replace your current document with a past version by clicking Roll Back.

Note: Scrivener will request confirmation from you, and give you the opportunity to snapshot the current text if you wish. ((This is highly recommended in case you change your mind. Making a copy first allows you to restore the text you just changed.)) This operation cannot be undone if you click No and don’t make a copy of the current text first. By clicking the Yes button, you may use a Snapshot to revert back to if you are unhappy with the change.

A.- The +/- Signs

Clicking the Plus sign will automatically take a snapshot.

Clicking the Minus sign deletes the highlighted snapshot.

B.- Date

Clicking the date will change the chronologic snapshot order. Oldest to Newest or the reverse order.

C. Title

Clicking the title will change the order of the snapshots based on alphabetical order ascending to descending or the reverse.

D. Inspector Pane Icon

The icon will have a * next to it if the current document has snapshots attached to it.

Viewing Snapshots

Snapshots are READ ONLY TEXT that can be viewed:

A.) In the Inspector Snapshot pane there is a section listing a document’s current snapshots. Clicking a Snapshot will show a view of the contents in the lower part of the Inspector Screen.

B.) These may be viewed in the Editor or copyholder by right clicking on the Editor icon and choosing your option.

C.) Right clicking within the Inspector on a Snapshot shows the option to show it in a Copyholder view.

D.) Clicking on a Snapshot in the Inspector pane you can drag this Snapshot into a Copyholder or the inactive Editor window in a split view.

Renaming Snapshots

1.) Each snapshot can be optionally named either at the time of its creation, or at any time after that point, in the snapshot list.

2.) To rename an existing snapshot double-click on its current name in the Title column of the list.

3.) Or click the Snapshot and hit the F2 key to rename.

3.) Click elsewhere or press Enter to confirm the change.

4.) Snapshots can also be renamed from within the Snapshots Manager.

Windows Tip:

A snapshot title can contain several short lines of text with a carriage return. Copy text done this way from the Inspector Note Pane or Editor window and paste into the Note Title and will see one long line of text. However, when you exit the title this will then become multiple lines of text. Doing this allows a detailed description of the snapshot to be displayed. This can help you pinpoint exactly the snapshot you are looking for.

******* Another option is to consider adding an Inline Annotation at the top of the document before you take a Snapshot. (This will allow you to place info on why you took the snapshot) After a snapshot is taken and created it CANNOT be edited.

Or add information in the note pane on why took alternate snapshots, such as alternate scene version.

Deleting Single Snapshots

For a snapshot go to the Inspector header bar and click the - sign

Use the Menu command Documents > Snapshots > Delete.

Select a snapshot and use keyboard command Ctrl + Del

For deleting large number of shortcuts over a short period of time, then the Snapshot Manager is easier to use.

For any of the above, this is not reversible and Scrivener will show a message to make sure you want to do this.

Strongly (VERY VERY strongly) consider backing up the project before making sweeping changes with your Snapshots.

Deleting Multiple Snapshots (3 Methods)

You can delete multiple snapshots for one file/folder or multiple snapshots across several files at one time.

Ctrl + click selected files

Ctrl + Shift and select range of files

Edit > Select All (Ctrl + A)

Viewing Snapshots in the Inspector Window

Snapshot Behaviors

Camera Snapshot Noise

— Behaviors: Snapshots options: Here you decide if you want a visual Notification feedback or shutter sound when you take a snapshot. (Or neither.)

when viewing a snapshot in the inactive editor window or in a copyholder you will see this icon displayed next to the Snapshot title.

Snapshot an entire folder at once

1. Select a folder

2. Menu dropdown Edit > Select > Select with subdocuments. (Will see folder and all subdocuments highlighted- see below)

3. Now take snapshot via menu, keyboard shortcut, or toolbar icon (if in toolbar)

Note can take titled or untitled snapshots this way. Could take a snapshot of chapter and scenes inside at once this way.

Here the Folder Snapshots (13.6) was chosen and it and all subdocuments are highlighted. You now can take snapshots of all these documents at once.

Snapshots Options in the Options Panel

Snapshots on Manual Saves

Snapshots sounds and notifications

Snapshot Colors

Viewing Comments and Metadata inside of Snapshots

Snapshots themselves don’t contain metadata that can be edited but Comments or footnotes in the text that you took a Snapshot of can be viewed in the Snapshot by hovering over the comment highlight within the snapshot view. (see below)


Inspector comments overview Part one


Snapshots Overview part one